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If you want to improve your life through in-home personal fitness training and/or nutrition coaching – you came to the right place!

Achieve your goals. Together.

Miriam Engelmann

Certified Personal Trainer
Certified Nutrition Coach
Women's Fitness Specialist

Personal Training

Physical activity can significantly contribute to your well-being, and there’s no better place to start than where you live. That’s why I offer personal training programs in your home or my fully equipped in-home gym.

Whatever your reason might be to convert to a healthier lifestyle – to lose weight, to gain strength and flexibility, to achieve better posture – or all of the above, I am ready to help you get there. I will design a tailored exercise program for you that reflects your objectives, fitness level, and experience. 
I will be your teacher, coach, cheerleader, and your motivator. Our training sessions will be filled with fun and will take place in the convenience of your home or my in-home gym. The choice is all yours. You do not need any equipment, you just show up with a (big) bottle of water. I will provide the rest!
All my personal training sessions include the following:

Feel free to reach out for additional information or in case you have any questions. I look forward to hearing from you. 

Nutrition Coaching

Our body is like a car. It needs high-quality gas (macronutrients) and oil (micronutrients) to run smoothly for a long time. Without proper fuel, however, a car will have problems after a while. The same is true for our body. By providing it with a simple, healthy and balanced diet, we can help it operate smoothly for a long time.

I know from my own life that it is very challenging to stay on a healthy diet, plus cook and prepare healthy meals and snacks when you have to work or pick up your child from soccer class. 

Much like my personal training services, I will help you to find the right diet for your personal lifestyle. One that fits your schedule and your goals and is based on your current habits of eating, grocery shopping, snacking, and hydration, among others. We will analyze triggers and habits for unhealthy eating habits and work together on how to overcome them. Step by step. This way, you can achieve sustainable results and long-term success and avoid the well-known yo-yo effect of fad diets.

My nutrition coaching sessions are put together based on your needs and can include the following components (based on the package that you choose):

Let’s get started. Get in touch with me for more information or in case you have any questions! I am looking forward to hearing from you.

" Take care of your body. It is the only place you have to live."
Jim Rohn

About Me

Hi there! My name is Miriam – welcome to my website.

Originally, I am from Germany, but live in the Triangle area since 2016. I have been exercising regularly with weights, cardio, and recently CrossFit for nearly 20 years and genuinely enjoy it. I decided to turn my passion for a healthy lifestyle into my profession and become a Certified Personal Trainer and Women’s Fitness Specialist (WFS). With my background, my passion, and my education, I want to help you overcome your fear of exercise, to move better, to lose weight, to live a healthier life, and especially – to have a lot of fun doing it. Yes, fun. As we all know, when you enjoy doing something, you want to do it again and again, so I do everything I can to ensure our sessions are enjoyable.
Nutrition is an important part of my life as well, and as the mom of a whirlwind child, I know how hard it can be to cook and eat healthy and delicious meals. To be able to provide you with the necessary knowledge and guide you through the important lifestyle adjustments about healthy eating, I got certified as a Nutrition Coach as well.

I am looking forward to providing all the support I can to help you achieve your goals. Just reach out to me below with your questions and let’s get started!

Why work with me


We will do our sessions in your house and I will provide the equipment needed.


I create custom-made programs and focus on sustainable results.


I am certified in the fields I offer services in and continuously learn and educate myself.


We will make sure to have a lot of fun along the way.

I am looking forward to hearing from you!

Just click on one of the buttons below to call me directly, send me a message or  schedule a free 15 minute consultation.